The global pandemic has changed the lives of humankind in a way many did not anticipate. The economic stress, stay-at-home orders, and social distancing have changed many day-to-day patterns. Coronavirus and the resulting economic hardships have increased fear, family fallout, loneliness among singles, and the potential for suicide.
CAM has designed special messages for our billboards during this time of uncertainty. One caller from Chicago, Illinois, said, “I really need prayer. I just came from the hospital where I was not allowed to see my mother who is dying of COVID-19.”
Another way CAM is responding to the opportunities to point people to Jesus during COVID-19 is to print small cards to pass out at food lines, healthcare centers, and in large cities. On this card is a number to reach our phone team.
Seventy-one-year-old Bridget called and said, “I received a food box from some Christian people. In the box was this card with your number.” In tears, Bridget shared her story with the phone team member. She lives at a homeless shelter in Ohio and is discouraged with life. Our team member listened sympathetically and prayed for her.
Since the pandemic started, our phone team members have spoken to various callers who are fearful, discouraged, or searching. God is not aloof in our times of trouble. He is reaching out through His people with a message of hope and compassion.