Peterson* sat with a group of other Haitian farmers in their Agri-Plus meeting. They were learning ways to increase yields and make better use of their agricultural land. But Peterson was not only thinking of ways to improve his farm. As he listened to the group leader teach from Matthew 6, spiritual seeds began taking root in his heart.
Peterson had never been to church, and his knowledge of the Gospel was limited. But he realized he was not right with God and asked the group leader if they could pray. On his knees, Peterson repented and committed to following Jesus. Pray that the spiritual seeds he received will continue to grow and that he will be faithful in his walk with the Lord.
The main vision of SALT Agri-Plus is to share the Gospel with people, many of whom know little about what walking with Jesus really means. Each Agri-Plus meeting begins with Biblical instruction and prayer, then moves into agricultural teaching.
*Name changed to protect identity.