Diapers for newborns, soap for proper hygiene, and crayons for school children are basic items that many families in developing countries don’t have. These items in the various kits assembled by CAM supporters are a delight to thousands living in poverty.
After giving a layette bundle to a mother of twin girls, a CAM staff member in Nicaragua shared, “Thanks to kind ladies somewhere who assembled pretty pink layette bundles, the twins now have diapers to wear instead of having tea towels pinned on.”
More than 159,000 kits
distributed in 2018
CAM can use thousands of kits to distribute each year. For a complete list of our kits and instructions, call our Berlin office at 330.893.2428 or click here.
If you have kits to donate, they can be dropped off at any CAM location or shipped to our warehouse in Pennsylvania: Christian Aid Ministries, Attn: Shipping Department, 2412 Division Highway, Ephrata, PA 17522.