


God has fully accepted me, Christian Aid Ministries

Many Americans call themselves Christians but do not follow Biblical principles. Others refuse to acknowledge that God exists. To remind people of God and His truth, CAM has posted an average of 1680 Gospel messages across the United States. Most of these messages are posted on billboards along interstates and major highways. Thousands of people call our toll-free number, searching for answers about God, the Bible, and life issues. In 2023, our phone team had the opportunity to speak to more than 90,000 callers.

If you or your church would like to adopt one or more of these billboards for $300, $550, $825, or $1100 per month, please choose a message and location below. On average, the $825 billboards have quite a few more viewers than the $550 and $300 billboards. The message on your adopted billboard will be changed every four months.

Each sponsor will receive information about the location of their adopted billboard and a quarterly update on the Billboard Evangelism program.

Choose the desired billboards from the list below. (Click image to enlarge.)

Fill out the form below:

Adopt-A-Billboard – Monthly


If you or your church would like to adopt one or more of these billboards for $250, $500, $750, or $1000 per month, please choose a message and location below. On average, the $750 billboards have quite a few more viewers than the $500 and $250 billboards. The message on your adopted billboard will be changed every four months.

Each sponsor will receive information about the location of their adopted billboard and a quarterly update on the Billboard Evangelism program.

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